Start your day the early bird way
About the Early Bird Net
The Amateur Radio Early Bird Transcontinental Net was founded December 5, 1949, for the purpose of sending military traffic in and out of the USA in war time. In 1975, it was made into a social net with the purpose of starting each day with a bit of congeniality and social comments. […]
As the story goes
a group of thirteen amateur radio operators from across the United States lead by Roy "Pinky" Pinkham, W6BPT, of Santa Clara, CA, started the “Early Bird Transcontinental Net” on December 5th, 1949. This group of "hams" were dedicated to relaying non-military related personal message handling from coast to coast.
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With the decline of message handling,
in 1975, the "Birds" reclassified their group and turned the once "message handling net" into a "nation-wide social net". Today, the net still meets each morning, providing "hams" with the ability to communicate nation-wide with their social comments. They check in from Maine to Florida, Maryland to California, and all points in between.