Check into the net 10 times in a 30 day period, and you will receive a certificate of membership, free of charge. You must stick around for the net, and in and outs do NOT count. Charlie keeps track of your check ins, however if you have questions regarding the certificates please e mail Charlie at " ". Certificates are mailed out 1 time per month, so please be patient.
EBTN Certificates
First Certificate is FREE!! -
Request a replacement certificate If you have had a call sign change, name change, or just need a new certificate you can order one. The cost is $10.00. Use our online payment page CLICK HERE or send a check or money order made payable to R.W.Smith. Send to:314 Chesapeake Trail Pickens, SC 29671-8228 USA
Certificates are prepared and sent after we revieved your payment or after your check clears the bank.Donate to the EBTN
Donate to the EBTN The early Bird Net currently does not charge any membership dues or fees. We do incur costs for printing & sending out certificates. We also incur costs for hosting the web site. Please consider a donation. Please consider a small (Medium or large) donation. To donoate online CLICK HERE, or send a check or money order made payable to R.W.Smith. Send to:314 Chesapeake Trail Pickens, SC 29671-8228 USA.